The only thing I look for in a technical interview In technical interviews, there's one trait I hone in on. It's a litmus test for potential hires. Through careful dialogue and tailored questioning, I unravel this decisive factor. Curious?
Beyond code: Cross-domain problem-solving in software engineering What truly lies at the heart of software engineering? Is it the lines of code we meticulously craft, or is it something more profound? Having navigated through various programming languages like F#, Clojure, and TypeScript over two decades, I've uncovered that the essence of software engineering lies not
Expanding upon the Single Responsibility Principle (Part 2) The Single Responsibility Principle, sometimes referred to as SRP, is the first of the five SOLID principles. In our last post we…
Expanding upon the Single Responsibility Principle (Part 1) Almost every techie I come across who has worked with writing object oriented code, seems to be proud that they write SOLID code. Not…
Stop breaking your head — Refactor your cycle (app) into replaceable, reusable spare parts now In a previous post, we were introduced to the Recall app that was built with Cycle.js. A couple of people were interested to know how to…